Working With Arabella


Curious about working with Arabella,
but want to hear some real-people, real-life stories?

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Hear from a previous 1:1 Client



"Ground breaking. Earth shattering."

"The Hormone Solution was a deep healing experience in a loving environment. This container was filled with women who held each other in a truly magical way & we understood each other on a profound level as we all had challenges in common.

Usually diet culture or healthy eating is a puzzle to me, there is so much information that it becomes overwhelming and too complicated to make a significant change. BUT this experience was totally different. It allowed me to understand what nourishment I needed while following my intuition. Arabella was loving, supportive & guided us in an incredibly graceful way all while keeping us accountable."

-The Hormone Solution Participant

After 2 weeksĀ of The Hormone Solution:



"This change is what I have needed since I was diagnosed 5 years ago."

"When I first thought about signing up, I had so many voices in my head telling me “it’s too much money you can’t afford that” “you’re incurable” “I don’t have time for this” “she won’t understand me”. I heard these voices but I just knew in my heart that this was right for me so I just did it even though it felt really scary and I now see that all of these voices were my fear and my ego trying to hold me back because it was scared of all of the change it could feel coming. BUT this change is what I have needed since I was diagnosed 5 years ago and felt lost since. I no longer feel lost, I feel in motion and filled with knowledge, tools, wisdom, knowledge and an endless list of all the things I have gained from working with Arabella which are helping me daily on my path to healing."

-The Hormone Solution Participant


"Arabella is so inspiring and I only wish I’d found her & had the experience of working with her earlier."

- Chinah Keen- THS client.

"Working with Arabella transformed my entire world."

- 1:1 Client